
Admin area access


Or on the website click on the copyright symbol © to log in.

The difference between pages and posts

Pages are the individual pages that make up your website.

Each page also displays a header, a content area, and a footer. The header and footer are usually the same across all pages.

The content area contains one or more items known as blocks. A block can contain editable text, images, etc. Each block can also contain one or more posts.

Posts appear in the content area of pages, and are much like articles appearing on a newspaper page. Posts can appear on their own in the content area or grouped with other posts. Posts can appear on more than one page and can also show in short (excerpt) rather than in full.

By default, WordPress lists posts by date order, so if there is a group of posts, the post published most recently appears at the top.

For the purpose of this Bill’s website think of posts as projects. Each project (post) can be in one or more categories. There is a list of categories for projects below.

Header contains the main menu. Links to any page can be added to menu. The menu shows the title of the page.

It’s important to understand the difference between editing pages and editing posts, so that you know where to add or edit content.

WordPress Introduction and guide

Link to wordpress help pages

How to add a project post in brief

If you have a new project here’s a summary of steps to add it to the website

  • create a new post (or copy an existing post which is similar)
  • edit the post content
  • select a feature image (optional or not required for some categories)
  • select a main category and sub-category for the post
  • publish it

Your post will automatically appear on the correct pages based on the categories you select.

Overview of your content and editing

This overview is to help you understand where to go in the admin area to edit content

PageI want to..How
AnyAdd an image but it’s over 2000 pixels wide.Use pixlr.com to edit your image before adding it to your website. Use resize image to reduce size to 2000 px wide while containing proportions.
Add an image but it’s too tall. If you have a portrait image you can crop a smaller part of the image to make a landscape shape image. You can use pixlr.com crop tool.
Add an image but it’s too small.Avoid using small images (less than 700 px wide). If they appear at a larger size on the website as they will appear blurry and poor quality. Ideally use 1000 to 2000px wide images. 2000 px wide is best.
Use an existing image in different locationIf you have already uploaded an image do not upload it again. Select it from the library:
Edit page or edit post
Add image
Select media library
Select image.
Add photo credit on feature imageA feature image appears at the top of the page only. Edit post or page. Directly under the title add a block of text. Change the block to be H6 (Heading level 6).
Home Change the full screen imageEdit Page: Pieces from Places
Click feature image to replace it.
Edit textEdit Page: No title (Front page)
ComposingAdd a project in Pieces from PlacesCopy a similar post, to edit, more details below
select categories: Composing, Pieces from Places
Add a project in Chamber MusicCopy a similar post, to edit more details below
select categories: Composing, Chamber Music
Add a project in Music to ImageCopy an existing post in same subcategory. `Then edit it with new title and content.
Edit paragraphs introducing the categories.Edit Page: Composing
Edit a category title. eg. Pieces from PlacesAs there are multiple appearances of these, please contact Taragh or an admin to edit any category titles.
On composing page, edit text paragraph under a project.Edit post. Document Excerpt: Add text of no more than 30 words. This creates a custom excerpt rather than taking an excerpt from the beginning of the full text.
Add large imageAdd feature image.
Ideally 2000 pixels wide and 1125 px high. Ratio 16:9.
Look for Document page attributes. Template: Cover template
Add AudioClick plus sign, find audio block and click. This adds a block to the post. Then add the audio to the block. WAV files are not accepted. https://wordpress.org/support/article/audio-block/
WritingAdd a project in writingCopy an existing post in same subcategory.
Add feature image, max width 2000 pixels
Add content
Move position of a project in the listGo to All posts
Quick edit, edit date
Each post is listed by date order, with most recent at the top, so simply edit the date accordingly.
Add subcategory titleEdit post. Directly under the photo credit add a block of text with the subcategory title. Change the block to be H5 (Heading level 5).
Music DirectingAdd a new projectNew post (or copy an exisiting similar post)
Select category: Music Directing
Select a subcategory. e.g. Education
Do NOT add feature image.
Edit introductionEdit page: Music Directing
EventsAdd an eventNew post (or copy an exisiting event post)
Select category: Event
Select one subcategory: new event, past event.
Move an event’s position within the page.Change the subcategory (if event has passed) or
to move within subcategory change the publish date. List shows most recently published at top. (Publish dates are not seen by visitors.)
WritingAdd subcategory After the photo credit add a new block with the subcategory title. Make the block
AboutEdit textEdit page: About
ContactEdit textEdit page: Contact. Contact Taragh to edit email address.
Admin only
Contact in footerEdit textEdit: Appearance / Widgets / Footer #1
Edit email addressPlease contact web admin
Add phone or textEdit: Appearance / Widgets / Footer #2
Add text under the email address
Social media Add or delete icons Edit: Appearance / Menus
Select Social Links Menu
Add Menu items, custom link or select and remove

Add a new project post in compositions

Because the composition posts have more complexity and more content, I recommend NOT creating a new empty post. Instead make a copy of a post to edit

  • Go to all posts, inside the wordpress admin area
  • Choose a post that is similar, then use the copy link
  • Edit that copy. 

To edit you will need to 

  • Change the title
  • Change the subtitle (h2 for heading level 2 block)
  • Change the text (p for paragraph block)
  • Change the code for soundcloud (html code block)

In document settings (on right) you need to

  • Replace the feature image (Ideally 2000 pixels wide and 1125 px high.)
  • Change the URL slug to match the title (no spaces allowed, use hyphens instead)
  • Change the sub category (if needed)
  • Create the excerpt text (no more than 30 words)

The copied post will appear first in the list. If you want it to appear later, change the date/time relative to the posts either side. Most recent date appears first.

Hide a post

Open post and go to header area and switch to draft

Hide a block

Select the block and in right hand settings at bottom find Advanced.
In Additional CSS Class(es) add the word hidethis taking care not to delete any other words. Then click update button.

You can still see and edit the block in admin area but it wont appear on website


List of all project (post) categories

This list shows all categories and subcategories in use and shows how many projects (posts) are in each.

The Listen page is not made of posts. It is page of content you can edit directly.

List of all projects (posts) titles

In date order (newest is first). Dates not show on live site.

View list of all projects (posts) with content